
15th August 2023

Daily Telegraph Article – July 2023

24th July 2023

Single Sex or Co-Ed?

What should you choose for your child during their Primary Education Years? If you have half an eye on the news, you will have read the rumours that Eton will…
29th June 2023

How to Prepare for the 11+

Having helped families prepare for the 11+ for over 12 years, I have seen a huge variety in approaches.  However, whichever you decide upon, there is no escaping the fact…
11th November 2022

Autumn School Visits

Chloe and I have been busy visiting a variety of junior and senior schools. The Hall Wimbledon We shared a visit to The Hall in Wimbledon which now takes boys…
11th November 2022

The Key Clinic

The Key Clinic The highlight of our year so far has undoubtedly been meeting the inspirational Sarah Warley, who founded The Key Clinic.   I first came across the Key Clinic a few years ago when…
7th March 2022

Spotlight on Nurseries: Visit to Marmalade Duck

The first of Rozzy Hyslop’s excellent nurseries to open up north of the River, Marmalade Duck opened in 2021. Rozzy has a great following south of the river with early…
22nd November 2021

What do Cognitive Ability Tests Tell Me About My Child?

If your child is studying for the 11+ this year, the words ‘verbal reasoning’ and ‘non-verbal’ are likely to elicit in you either total boredom or overwhelming anxiety. These cognitive…
22nd November 2021

Book Review: The Dyslexic Advantage, Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain by Dr Brock Eide and Dr Fernette Eide.

If your child has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia, you may be feeling concerned about both their educational attainment and future prospects. Having worked as a dyslexic teacher in the…
10th September 2021

Tutoring – what are the benefits, who is doing it and is it worth it?

In cosmopolitan London pretty much anything goes around the dinner party table, except that is, the admission that you tutor your child. Parents agonise over whether to begin this expensive…
10th September 2021

Spotlight on Schools: Why we love Highgate Junior School

Last term, Sabine and I visited Highgate Pre-Prep and Highgate Junior School. Entrance at 4+ and 7+ is ruthlessly competitive and within two seconds of entering the main building it…
10th June 2021

Spotlight on Schools: Bute House’s change in headship

This month our spot light is on Bute House as the enormously charismatic Head, Helen Lowe’s headship comes to an end. Ms Sian Bradshaw (previously Head of Ewell Castle Prep…
4th June 2021

2021 School Places

Changes to the 4, 7, 8 and 11+ assessments during a year of Covid   After a topsy turvey year, UK schools have had to adapt the assessment process to…
28th June 2020

Interview with TARKA founder – Rufus Gordon-Dean

Rufus is one of the founders of the hugely successful children’s exercise classes that have been taking west London by storm. Rufus is a former household cavalry officer who created…
13th May 2020

Homeschooling with the under 5’s

During this weird and unsettling time, parents of children under 6 years old are finding the challenge of 'homeschooling' particularly onerous. Every school seems to approach homeschooling the early years…
18th September 2019

Enlarging your child’s vocabulary

Having a wide vocabulary is vitally important for a child facing the 11 plus. Most schools across London will assess prospective pupils in verbal reasoning and comprehension, and some will…
4th September 2019

Top 10 books to share with 2-4 year olds

If there is one thing you do with your child and nothing else, make it reading! Reading is crucial for child development on so many levels. At it's most basic…
8th July 2019

Featured in My Baba: Private schools- are they worth the price tag?

Read our school consultant Chloe's latest article featured in My Baba.  
9th May 2019

Nursery News!

The newly named St James Preparatory School will be welcoming children turning three in September 2019 in a new state of the art nursery building located in in the former…
3rd May 2019

Beyond Results and Playground Gossip- how to choose the best independent senior school for your child. Written by Chloe Berry

Aside from your house, committing to a secondary private school education for your child is probably the biggest investment you are ever going to make. It is therefore, a good…
12th March 2019

Featured in Angels and Urchins- Childcare @ Home

Spring 2019 Angels and Urchins Magazine SH Nursery Consultancy is featured discussing childcare tips in this month's feature Childcare @ Home in Angels and Urchins magazine- check it out! childcare…
16th October 2018

4+ Assessments; What are they and how to handle them?

What are the 4+ Assessments? Independent junior schools are divided into those that assess for entrance into Reception class and those that don’t. There are even some independent schools with…
4th October 2018

Applying for state primary schools- the agony and the ecstasy..

It is that time of year- primary school applications begin now and end on the 15th January 2019. The tension has slowly been mounting since the start of the school…
12th April 2018

What Should We Be Able To Do By The End Of Reception?

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the first part of the National Curriculum for children aged 3-5, therefore covering both Nursery and Reception. During those years children will be…
12th April 2018

Best Montessori Nurseries in London

Having trained in teaching following the EYFS (Early Years Framework) I am not experienced in the Montessori philosophy. However over the years I have become more and more appreciative of…
12th April 2018

How to Prepare Your Four-Year-Old for Reception

Attend all open mornings, fêtes or events happening in the new school to familiarise your child with their new environment. Support your child with preparation for phonics by playing games…
12th April 2018

What to look for when choosing a nursery for your child

Choosing a nursery is often a daunting experience for new parents as their main frame of reference will be dim memories of their own nursery experience! The increasingly competitive London…
12th April 2018

What to do to prepare for nursery

Whether its your third time round or a precious eldest child, the transition to nursery is often an emotional experience for both child and parent. Working a s a nursery…

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Daily Telegraph Article – July 2023

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Single Sex or Co-Ed?

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What should you choose for your child during their Primary Education Years? If you have half an eye on the news, you will have read the rumours that Eton will...

How to Prepare for the 11+

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Having helped families prepare for the 11+ for over 12 years, I have seen a huge variety in approaches.  However, whichever you decide upon, there is no escaping the fact...

Autumn School Visits

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Chloe and I have been busy visiting a variety of junior and senior schools. The Hall Wimbledon We shared a visit to The Hall in Wimbledon which now takes boys…