- Ages: 7 – 18 years
- Fees: £6,904 – £8,636 per term
- GCSE: 85% A*
Renowned as one of the top schools in the country, St Paul’s is certainly impressive at first sight. Modern buildings, containing spacious classrooms, and numerous sports pitches sit comfortably on a large plot that overlooks the River Thames. However, what is really striking about this school is not the impressive facilities but the outstanding teaching and engagement of the pupils in their learning. There wasn’t a classroom that I walked into where I didn’t want to sit down and join in the lesson and the passion of the teachers for the boys and their subjects was unique among my school visits. Expectations are clearly high, my young guide told me that the day can sometimes feel a little overwhelming, nevertheless he felt it was always achievable and that there was an extensive support system should he be having any academic or emotional difficulties. Recently, the school has begun to offer increasing opportunities for the boys to engage with the girls at St Paul’s Girls School through shared courses and engineering projects. Entrance is predictably difficult. The first round involves sitting the ISEB pre-test. 140 children will then take two English exams and a maths exam. Following this, 60 children will be invited for a subject based interview. Their parents will also have a meeting with Mrs Shaw.