Ravenscourt Park Prep School

Address & Additional Information:

16 Ravenscourt Avenue

London W6 0SL

T: 020 8846 9153


Age 4-11

Termly Fees: £



Ravenscourt Park Preparatory is located near Hammersmith and borders Ravenscourt Park. It is owned by the Gardener Group, who also run Kew Green and the new secondary school Kew House.  All three schools share the same creative and nurturing environment and Ravenscourt Park caters for a range of learning styles. The building is light, spacious and well designed with a very good-sized playground, the original school building has been hugely extended and improved on over the last few years. There is a dynamic art and music departments and Ravenscourt Park Prep offers a wide range of sports. The school also makes good use of the next-door park’s tennis courts, football pitch and basketball courts. ICT facilities are impressive with all children provided with access to their own laptop. To ensure all children progress pupils are screened for literacy and specific areas of difficulty and there is a focused special needs teacher and speech and language support. Extra-curricular groups are varied and include: Judo, fencing, ballet, football, ICT, Science, dance and drama. Registration for entry is on the child’s 1st birthday (with around 1 or 2 weeks leeway). Informal interviews held in September prior to entry the following year.