We are getting increasing number of parents requesting for their children to attend school out of their chronological year group. Malcom Gladwell’s book ‘Outliers’ focused on the connection between the month of the year a child was born in and the effect that had on academic achievement, social development and athletic ability. He presents evidence connected to pro-athletes (in this case professional Canadian hockey players) who are overwhelming born in the first half of the academic year and argues that small differences at a young age are compounded into major long-term impacts. When we break it down, August born children are 20% younger than the oldest in the class and are less likely to achieve national curriculum expected levels than September born children. These differences are more pronounced in the early years of school but there is also evidence provided by The Institute for Fiscal Studies that the gap remains up to GCSE and beyond even concluding that August born children are 2% less likely to go to university than their older peers.
State school policy changed in 2016 to consider summer born children delaying entrance or applying for the year below. According to www.gov.uk this will depend on the admissions authority and the view of the school’s headteacher and in combination they will consider each request and “make a decision in your child’s best interests.” Requests must be made in writing at the point you are applying for school entrance at 4 to keep the door open for two potential admission points. Evidence from professionals like a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, social workers, paediatrician or nursery staff member will support this application. If unsuccessful, you can delay entrance or request part time places for part or all of the reception year.
Currently there is a move in most independent schools to accommodate children out of year group but there are exceptions. The most traditionally academic options are mostly resistant to considering children entering a year behind their age but can be open to children entering a year ahead in the latter end of junior school. Either way, there are inconsistencies to their approaches.
Below are a list of a cross section of London schools we recently contacted and the responses we were given:
Harrodian School
No problem with children applying at all entrance points out of cohort and said any child born within summer months is considered without a particular need.
The only time it’s a problem if a child is participating in a national sport team which are strictly linked to child’s age.
City of London School Boys and Girls
Would evaluate on a case-by-case basis- would need to be approved by the director of admissions. Reason to hold back can be based on maturity rather then ability- important to flag when registering. Much better if done before Year 2 as year 3 and above would be present more of a problem.
In our experience were not open to accepting children a year ahead of chronological year group as worries about emotional maturity and if they can thrive when so much younger than peer group.
UCS Senior School
Spoke about admissions at 11 and 13+
Whatever school year the child is currently in is appropriate. Registrar did say he has rarely had to deal with the request for a child to be held back a year- if anything is the other way round where more boys in year above their chronological year group as very able.
Kings College Wimbledon
Not supportive all boys have to sit exams in their chronological year group. Registrar said the policy is that if a boy is exceptionally talented it won’t matter if summer born. Only exceptions for medical reasons but very rare. E.g hypertension in joints which might relate to a delay in handwriting.
Not keen on children being held back a year but ok if happened before year 2 as after year 2 registrar felt was too late and would have to review based on parental preference and school advice.
Dulwich Prep
Very supportive of children being held back out of cohort- not a problem. Only problem is in national sports. Dulwich prep already does a lot of age standardized testing for international children so year group becomes even less relevant.
Out of cohort fine for 13+ but not for 11+ (couldn’t really explain why). Especially supportive if child is very close to cut off (eg within 2 weeks either side of September cut off). Apparently many boys attending are slightly off range.
Ok with boys being out of year group as long as has been done before end of Year 2 and on cusp of the month.
Happy with boys being out of cohort and they can sit exams in the year group they are in.
Thomas Kensington/Battersea
Happy to consider children out of cohort if evidence they are not thriving.
Squirrels (Wimbledon Common Prep)
Wouldn’t consider accepting boys younger than their chronological year
This is largely because their position as a feeder for King’s Wimbledon.
Arnold House
Wouldn’t consider on principal when first entering the school into nursery or reception class but might consider for entry into later year groups if convincing. Might also consider if substantial medical evidence given (e.g children born very prematurely)
Godolphin and Latymer
Would not be able to take a girl a year ahead of cohort because only legally able to take children aged 11 and above.
Bute House
Wouldn’t consider accepting children out of chronological year group because of the difficulties when leaving for senior schools. Options are vastly reduced at this level e.g St Paul’s
Latymer Prep
Will consider children out of cohort when working ahead of their year group under exceptional circumstances or if entering from an international system or if there is a previous medical condition- premature birth might be considered. Would assess on a case by case basis. Not ideal taking children a year behind their chronological year but potentially happy to take children out of cohort especially if done in Key stage 1 and birthday is late summer.
St Paul’s Girls
Wouldn’t consider accepting girls out of their chronological year group
South Hampstead High
Will allow girls to apply for a place a year ahead of cohort
Pembridge Hall
Open to taking girl a year ahead of cohort and potentially a year below.
Falkner House Prep
Prefer to keep in chronological year group. Might consider in individual circumstances- have made the exception in the past for children in nursery and born 31st August or born prematurely.
King’s House
Happy and supportive attitude to children applying out of cohort even at nursery level if there is evidence it is beneficial to the child and a birthday on cusp of the month.